Disrupting Research, Researching Disruption

Purpose: Workshops that help faculty and student researchers retool in the midst of crisis

Budget: $10,000

This series addresses innovative solutions to conducting research during and on the COVID-19 global health pandemic in its multiple manifestations. It focuses on how researchers can retool when we can no longer conduct fieldwork in social distancing zones/regions. Likewise, it addresses how the global health pandemic and economic, political, and social crises may change our research questions, goals, and/or foci. As we live in a time of great uncertainty, we also have the opportunity to imagine a better future. Ideally, these virtual workshops ideally should be open to faculty and graduate students.

Application Guidelines: Faculty applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. An ad hoc review committee will respond relatively quickly and will take into account the need to offer workshops that address a range of methods and forms of retooling. Grants of $1,000-2,000 will be awarded. Please send a brief application, including the following:

-Name of speaker(s), lecture/event title(s), and date of lecture(s)/event(s)

-A short (500 word) biographical description of the proposed speaker(s), including their work, accomplishments, and status or profile in the field

-An outline of the intended workshop activities and goals.

-Expected audience (size, composition)

-Technology needs and plan

-An itemized budget (e.g., honorarium, materials).