interdisciplinary discussion and innovation

Taft Research Center offers an array of university and public humanities programs designed to bring people together across the 14 Taft-member departments in the humanities and social sciences, and beyond.

The Hollywood Jim Crow: The Racial Politics of the Movie Industry

  • Dates: 15 – 15 Nov, 2019
  • Address: African American Cultural and Resource Center
Film slate with lecture / book title: Hollywood Kim Crow

Maryann Erigha, University of Georgia
African American Cultural and Resource Center


Yearly center programming theme

Learn about our programming through out the year. Featuring Taft Dissertation Fellows and Taft Graduate Summer Fellows, and hosting presentations from graduate students from beyond UC, the 5th annual humanitiesNOW graduate conference in the humanities will occur March 13 & 14 at the Taft Research Center

Clouds of smoke