Article I: Official Name

Section 1: This organization shall be known as African American Black Male Staff(AABMS)

Article II: Objectives

Section 1: The objectives of the African American Black Male Staff organization are:

  • To provide a support network for the professional development of African American/Black male staff at the University of Cincinnati.
  • To be a standing body that implements strategies to create opportunities for the recruitment and retention of African American Black Male Staff to serve the University and the extended community.
  • To work within the University community to enhance the professional experiences and improve the overall job satisfaction of African American Male Staff of the University, while also upholding a high standard for integrity and a dedicated focus on the recruitment, retention, mentorship, and commitment to African American Black Male Students of the University of Cincinnati.
  • To empower and engage African American/Black Male Staff and Students to serve and represent the University of Cincinnati in issues of social justice, community service, health and wellness, relationship building, and career advancement.

Article III : Membership

Section 1: Any staff employee of the University of Cincinnati who has an interest in the African American Black Male Staff organization (AABMS) will be eligible for membership and may apply for membership by contacting the outreach membership chair, or any member of the outreach membership committee. AABMS members must demonstrate commitment to the organization’s mission, vision, goals, and objectives. That commitment includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Regular attendance at monthly general body membership meetings (if you are unable to attend a regularly scheduled meeting, please contact the outreach membership committee chair and or/, any member of the Executive Board in advance).
  • Serve and be active on at least one established or Ad Hoc Committee within a calendar year
  • Participate in at least 1 professional development, academic, or social program/event put on by AABMS within a calendar year (members are encouraged to participate in all programs and events)
  • *Failure to adhere to these expectations may render your membership inactive

*This policy applies to members of executive board ONLY

Section 2: Organization members with regular attendance through September 30th, 2019, will be “grandfathered” in as active organization members. Beginning October 1st, 2019, those interested in gaining membership to AAMBS will fill out a Membership Profile Form and submit to the board for approval.

Article IV: Membership

Section 3: The Board may suspend or expel a member of the organization for cause after an appropriate hearing, and may, by majority vote of the membership present at any regular meeting, terminate the membership of any member.

Section 4: All members must be in “good standing” with the University of Cincinnati.

Article V: Executive Board Members

Section 1: The “Executive Board” shall be (at minimum) a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Outreach Membership Chair, Committee Chair, and By-Laws Chair. As funding and other resources allow, additional members may be added to the Executive Board to meet the needs of the organization

Section 2: The President is the primary coordinator of the AABMS and is responsible for maintaining the focus and overall direction of the AABMS Organization. The President presides over Executive Board and membership meetings.

Section 3:  The Vice Presidentis to function in substitute of the President. The Vice President presides over business and meetings in the president's absence. The Vice President, in partnership with the President, is also responsible guiding the plans and actions of the committees. The Vice President assists the President with developing and guiding the organization and listens to ideas and plans and advice as necessary. The Vice President accepts special assignments presented by the President.

Section 4: The Secretaryis responsible for taking meeting minutes for all Executive Board and membership meetings and distributing the minutes to the members. In the case of absence, the Secretary is responsible for assigning an alternate Executive Board member to record and document events discussed. The Secretary shall serve as the primary recorder of all events and functions to maintain historical context and continuity

Section 5: The Treasurer is responsible for managing the organizations financial resources including all accounts. The Treasurer will work with the organizations Executive Board in seeking funding sources, developing proposals, and handling all financial business of the organization including maintaining accurate and up to date financial records. The Treasurer will produce regular reporting of financial records.

Section 6: The Outreach Membership Chair is responsible for maintaining all records of the organization members. The Membership chair shall be the primary member responsible for maintaining up to date member records, sending membership invitations to new employees, and appropriate correspondence to departing employees.

Section 7: The Committee Chair is responsible for providing direction and guidance to assure that the committee fulfills its mission or functionality within the organization. The Committee Chair is responsible for assuring that the Secretary maintains all records of committee business. The Committee Chair is responsible to working closely with the Treasurer related to all business and finances of the committee.

Section 8: The By-laws Committee Chair is responsible for ensuring that the organization adheres to and abide by established by-laws. The by-laws chair is also responsible for overseeing the by-laws amendment process and regular by-laws committee meetings.

Section 9: Ad Hoc Committees will be established as needed by approval of the board.

Section 10: Any vacancy occurring on the Executive Committee shall be filled by a vote of the membership. Anyone appointed to fill a vacancy shall serve the remaining term of the predecessor.

Article VI: Election or Appointment of Officers

Section 1: The AAMBS Executive Board shall be elected by a majority vote of the general body or, under special circumstances, appointed by the current board with a majority approval by the general body. When electing executive board members, an Ad Hoc nominating committee (existing members in good standing) shall be formed and charged with the task of presenting a slate of potential officers to general body (the ad hoc committee will decide how best to conduct the search for slate of officers). Ad hoc committee members will be filled by volunteer members. The election process will then be facilitated by the ad hoc committee. Election/appointment of officers to the Executive Board shall occur during the month of January (no later than January 30th) at a regularly scheduled meeting; or at a special meeting determined by the ad hoc committee. All members of AABMS in good standing shall be eligible for any position on the Board. A majority vote by members in good standing shall be required for election. Officers shall serve for a renewable term of one (1) year. Officers are limited to 4 terms (4 years)

Section 2: Officers elected/re-elected at a regular membership meeting, as detailed in Section 1, shall take office at the first regular meeting after their election/appointment.

Article VII: AABMS Committees

Section 1: The management and administration of the affairs of AABMS Committees shall be under the direction of the committee chair. The committee chair will work in close collaboration with the executive board who represent the general body. Strategies and activities will be implemented by select Committees as follows: professional development, networking, programming, communications.

Section 2: AABMS committees will meet on a monthly basis at a time, place, and date determined by the committee. At least 3 days’ notice should be given in the case of special meetings that may occur at other times. A committee member who misses 6 consecutive meetings without cause or notification will be understood to have resigned from the committee, and the committee chair may fill the vacancy.

Section 3: Any committee chair may be removed, for cause, by a two-third vote of the attending membership at any regular general body meeting. In such a case, the Executive Board will fill the vacated position.

Section 4: Any vacancy occurring on the committee chair level shall be filled by a vote of the membership. Anyone appointed to fill a vacancy shall serve the remaining term of the predecessor.

Article VIII: Meetings

Section 1: Regular meetings of the African-American Black Male Staff Organization (AABMS) will occur on a monthly basis at a time, place, and date determined by the membership. Such information will be made public.

Section 2: A majority of members must be present for elections to occur

Section 3: Meetings will be guided by the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.

Section 4: Executive board meetings will be held on monthly basis with the time, date, and place made public. The President may call special meetings when at least three days’ notice has been given to each Executive Committee member.

Article IX: Implied Powers

Section 1: It is understood that authority to act on any matter not expressly addressed in this document resides with the President. The President may convene with the Executive Board and/or the general membership duly assembled to conduct business of AABMS.

Article X: Amendments

Section 1: Amendments to these by-laws may be made at any regular scheduled meeting by a two-thirds vote of the attending membership.